What is DEXWARE?
DEXWARE is a MASSIVE REAL-TIME Database Hosting Service.
We host your
extremely large databases with our
fast servers. These servers provide massive database instances for many different kinds of databases
or other types of structured information. Our servers are constantly being mirrored, to protect your data.
Our servers are monitored, to ensure the highest possible uptime. Our servers are optimized to receive
REAL-TIME data, as delivered by your hardware in the field.
And, we can do it cheaper than you can. We provide all of the technical expertise that you need to setup, manage,
and run massive database servers. Our DBAs can help design your database for optimal efficiency, ease of data mining,
and future growth. Our redundant database servers continuously mirror your data to protect it.
We specialize in hosting
GPS-based database information, which can provide enhanced fleet management.
Our GPS-based databases carry additional parameters associated with the GPS data points. For instance, if your mobile
fleet includes engine monitoring hardware, the engine parameters can be transmitted with the GPS co-ordinates. This
allows a wealth of data-mining information about the fleet, such as: individual or aggregate engine performance,
contents of the fleet or individual units, environmental parameters (ie. outside temperatures versus tank temperatures), chain of custody
information, eSeal and lock tamper information, etc. We can also provide "GeoFencing" capabilities with the REAL-TIME
alerts that can be set on specific database fields (or combinations of fields).
Basic Pricing: DB size, tables, fields, records limits, maximum number of updates per day.
Optional pricing: larger units of the basic pricing, real-time feeds. real-time alerts (including geofencing)
How can data be SUBMITTED to your database(s) on our servers?
• Link to a web file (CSV, Excel, Access, GoogleDocs, or other spreadsheet)
• Direct DB Connection (MySQL, PostGreSQL, MS-SQL, etc)
• URLs with values (eg. https://db.dexagon.com?param=value& ....)
• SMS messages from Smartphones
• Upload CSV, Excel, or other spreadsheet files
• Email attachment in a specified format: CSV, Excel, or other spreadsheet file
• Email with a precisely formatted body
• Native DB connectors, such as ODBC
• APIs for direct programming
by your programmers
• AJAX, JSON, Ruby, and XML interfaces
• User-created forms and webpages for manual entry
• Custom options, based on your requirements
How can data be SELECTED from your database(s) on our servers?
• Search tools allow you to setup complex queries using point-and-click menus
• Immediate alerts can be set on certain parameters and/or their values
• Data result subsets can be selected programmatically
How can data be OUTPUT from your database(s) on our servers?
• Google maps with multiple overlay legend
• PDF reports for immediate download or delated email
• Charts and graphs, delivered in HTML, JPG, GIF, and others
• Complex visualization tools, incoluding 3D graphs
• Crystal Reports (TM) and other packaged reporting tools
• Real-time visualization on maps and graphs
• Aggregate reports on a scheduled basis (via "cron" job)
• Data exports in multiple formats, with DDL and field types
How can data be MANAGED within your database(s) on our servers?
• We offer online tools: phpAdmin, MySQLadmin, etc
• We link to many FOSS (Free, Open Source) tools, some of which are USB-portable